Wednesday, January 20, 2016

midterm reviews

I played Nicks game. I thought it was really cool that once you got to a dot it would disappear and another one would appear. I liked it because the timer gave incentive and the sized gave a little bit of challenge which was fun. I would definitely play it again.

I also played Ryan's game. I found it really fun, it reminds me of the game "pong" which I've always enjoyed. I also really liked that when the background changed to space the ball moved faster and the game became a bit more difficult. I think it was great.

I played Jen's game I thought that it was a really good concept but I found a way to easily cheat by not even playing the game an just hitting the final key and 'winning'. Other than that minor problem I thought the game was alright although not too challenging.  


My game is just supposed to be fun and simple. My game is about killing rats so my sprites are rats and cartoon blood spatter. I used google to search "rat den" with the rights labeled for reuse. The score goes up with every rat you kill. After thirty seconds the backdrop changes, and there is a two minute timer and at the end of two minutes the game ends and the player is just supposed to keep trying to get a higher score.   

Midterm Game

My game is called rat trap. The premise is to kill as many rats as you can in two minutes. You get one point per rat.